Archetype Cheatsheet

This is a set FAQ composed on a single page.

Path Configurations

This section describes where and how to configure different kind of paths settings like

  • what is the installation location of my package
  • where is the log directory created
  • what is the name of my start script

Quick Reference Table

This table gives you a quick overview of the setting and the scope you should use. Paths which do not begin with a / are relative to the universal directory. The scopes are ordered from general to specific, so a more specific one will override the generic one. Only the listed scopes for a setting a relevant. Any changes in other scopes will have no effect!

output path scopes archetype comment
lib all JavaApp  
conf all JavaApp  
bin/<executableScriptName> Global JavaApp  
bin/<executableScriptName>.bat Global JavaApp  
bin/<executableScriptName> Global   Entrypoint DockerPlugin
<defaultLinuxInstallationLocation>/<packageName> Linux, Debian, Rpm JavaApp  
<defaultLinuxLogLocation>/<packageName> Linux JavaServerApplication  
logs Linux JavaServerApplication Symlink
/etc/default/<packageName> Linux JavaServerApplication  
/var/run/<packageName> Linux JavaServerApplication  
/etc/init.d/<packageName> Linux, Debian, Rpm JavaServerApplication For SystemV
/etc/init/<packageName> Linux, Debian, Rpm JavaServerApplication For Upstart
/usr/lib/systemd/system/<packageName>.service Linux, Debian, Rpm JavaServerApplication For Systemd
<defaultLinuxInstallLocation> Docker   Installation path inside the container


These settings configure the path behaviour

Use for the normal jar generation process
Defaults to normalizedName. Can be override in different scopes
Defaults to normalizedName. Sets the name of the executable starter script
Defaults to /usr/share/. Used to determine the installation path for for linux packages (rpm, debian)
Defaults to /var/log/. Used to determine the log path for linux packages (rpm, debian).

JVM Options

JVM options can be added via different mechanisms. It depends on your use case which is most suitable. The available options are

  • Adding via bashScriptExtraDefines and batScriptExtraDefines
  • Providing a application.ini (JavaApp) or etc-default (JavaServer) file
  • Set javaOptions in Universal (JavaApp) or javaOptions in Linux (JavaServer, linux only)


If you want to change the location of your config keep in mind that the path in bashScriptConfigLocation should either - be absolute (e.g. /etc/etc-default/my-config<) or - starting with ${app_home}/../ (e.g. ${app_home}/../conf/application.ini)

Extra Defines

With this approach you are altering the bash/bat script that gets executed. Your configuration is literally woven into it, so it applies to any archetype using this bashscript (app, akka app, server, …).

For a bash script this could look like this.

bashScriptExtraDefines += """addJava "-Dconfig.file=${app_home}/../conf/app.config""""

// or more. -X options don't need to be prefixed with -J
bashScriptExtraDefines ++= Seq(
   """addJava "-Xms1024m"""",
   """addJava "-Xmx2048m""""

For more information take a look at the according documentation.

File - application.ini or etc-default

Another approach would be to provide a file that is read by the bash script during execution.

Java App

Create a file src/universal/conf/application.ini (gets automatically added to the package mappings) and add this to your build.sbt inject the config location into the bashscript.

bashScriptConfigLocation := Some("${app_home}/../conf/application.ini")

Setting - javaOptions

The last option to set your java options is using javaOptions in Universal (JavaApp and Server). This will generate files according to your archetype. The following table gives you an overview what you can use and how things will be behave if you mix different options. Options lower in the table are more specific and will thus override the any previous settings (if allowed).

javaOpts Scope bashScriptConfigLocation Archetype mappings comment
Nil Universal None JavaApp   No jvm options
Nil Universal Some(appIniLocation) JavaApp   User provides the application.ini file in src/universal/conf/application.ini
opts Universal Some(_) JavaApp added creates application.ini but leaves bashScriptConfigLocation unchanged
opts Universal None JavaApp added creates application.ini and sets bashScriptConfigLocation. If src/universal/conf/application.ini is present it will be overridden
Nil Linux None JavaServer added creates etc-default and sets bashScriptConfigLocation
opts Linux None JavaServer added creates etc-default, appends javaOptions in Linux and sets bashScriptConfigLocation
opts Linux Some(_) JavaServer added creates etc-default, appends javaOptions in Linux and overrides bashScriptConfigLocation

Overriding Templates

You can override the default template used to generate any of the scripts in any archetype. Listed below are the overridable files and variables that you can use when generating scripts.

Bat Script - src/templates/bat-template

Creating a file here will override the default template used to generate the .bat script for windows distributions.


@@APP_ENV_NAME@@ - will be replaced with the script friendly name of your package.

@@APP_NAME@@ - will be replaced with user friendly name of your package.

@APP_DEFINES@@ - will be replaced with a set of variable definitions, like

You can define additional variable definitions using batScriptExtraDefines.

Bash Script - src/templates/bash-template

Creating a file here will override the default template used to generate the BASH start script found in bin/<application> in the universal distribution


${{template_declares}} - Will be replaced with a series of declare <var> lines based on the bashScriptDefines key. You can add more defines to the bashScriptExtraDefines that will be used in addition to the default set:

  • app_mainclass - The main class entry point for the application.
  • app_classpath - The complete classpath for the application (in order).

Service Manager Templates

It’s also possible to override the entire script/configuration templates for your service manager. These templates vary by loader type. Create a file src/templates/systemloader/$loader/$template and it will be used instead.

Possible values:

  • $loader - upstart, systemv or systemd
  • $template - * systemv - loader-functions, start-debian-template, or start-rpm-template * systemd - loader-functions or start-template * upstart - loader-functions or start-template


You can use ${{variable_name}} to reference variables when writing your script. The default set of variables is:

  • author - The name of the author; defined by maintainer in Linux.
  • descr - The short description of the service; defined by packageSummary in Linux.
  • exec - The script/binary to execute when starting the service; defined by executableScriptName in Linux.
  • chdir - The working directory for the service; defined by defaultLinuxInstallLocation/(packageName in Linux).
  • retries - The number of times to retry starting the server; defined to be the constant 0.
  • retryTimeout - The amount of time to wait before trying to run the server; defined to be the constant 60.
  • app_name - The name of the application (linux friendly); defined by packageName in Linux.
  • version - The software version; defined by version.
  • daemon_user - The user that the service should run as; defined by daemonUser in Linux.
  • daemon_user_uid - The user ID of the user that the service should run as; defined by daemonUserUid in Linux.
  • daemon_group - The group of the user that the service should run as; defined by daemonGroup in Linux.
  • daemon_group_gid - The group ID of the group of the user that the service should run as; defined by daemonGroupGid in Linux.
  • daemon_shell - The shell of the user that the service should run as; defined by daemonShell in Linux.
  • term_timeout - The timeout for the service to respond to a TERM signal; defined by termTimeout in Linux, defaults to 60.
  • kill_timeout - The timeout for the service to respond to a KILL signal; defined by killTimeout in Linux, defaults to 30.
  • start_facilities - Intended for the Required-Start: line in the INIT INFO block. Its value is automatically generated with respect to the chosen system loader.
  • stop_facilities - Intended for the Required-Stop: line in the INIT INFO block. Its value is automatically generated with respect to the chosen system loader.
  • start_runlevels - Intended for the Default-Start: line in the INIT INFO block. Its value is automatically generated with respect to the chosen system loader.
  • stop_runlevels - Intended for the Default-Stop: line in the INIT INFO block. Its value is automatically generated with respect to the chosen system loader.

Server App Config - src/templates/etc-default-{systemv,systemd}

Creating a file here will override the /etc/default/<application> template for the corresponding loader.

The file /etc/default/<application> is used as follows given the loader:

  • systemv: sourced as a bourne script.
  • systemd: used as an EnvironmentFile directive parameter (see man systemd.exec, section EnvironmentFile for a description of the expected file format).
  • upstart: presently ignored.

If you’re only overriding JAVA_OPTS, your environment file could be compatible with both systemv and systemd loaders; if such is the case, you can specify a single file at src/templates/etc-default which will serve as an override for all loaders.